Remedy at its heart is all about food, health, science and you…
Struggling with health challenges?
Most chronic diseases can be improved by focussing on gut health and making dietary changes.
Undergoing drug treatments?
Did you know that the health of your gut directly impacts your response to medications?
Find the world of food and nutrition complex and confusing?
It’s tricky navigating the world of nutritional science because there are diet wars and a mass of contradictory, unscientific, faddy messaging on social media and in the press.
Frustrated by the lack of dietary support from conventional medicine?
Unfortunately, nutrition education is still not part of a UK doctor's training so they aren’t equipped to help.
Reclaim the health you desire
I love that you are beautifully unique. Many factors affect health. Gender, age, the gut microbiome, genetics, nutrition, medications and mental and emotional states are all taken into consideration with the functional medicine approach. I call this root cause medicine. Unlike the standard western approach which tackles the symptoms, functional medicine looks deeper.
We work closely together to uncover the root of your health challenges then create a tailored plan that is your step by step guide to recovery and health reslience. I always take a food first approach and all my recommendations are backed by the latest science.
My areas of expertise include hair loss, women's health, and gut health. I also have specialist training in integrative cancer care.
I see clients in person or online.
How much do consultations cost?
Your Consultation Journey

We hold a free 15-minute discovery call prior to booking an appointment This allows you to find out a little more about how I work and gives me that chance toI assess whether I can meet your needs.

Once the initial appointment is booked I’ll send you a medical history questionnaire and a food and lifestyle diary to complete. All paperwork needs to be sent back prior to our initial appointment

Initial consultations usually last 90 minutes. Once I’ve gained a good understanding of underlying issues, we then create your personlaised plan. A summary email together with personalised action plan including tests required are agreed at this point and relevant educational materials will be sent through.

Follow up
All follow up appointments are tailored to each individuals unique needs. This is where we begin to implement your plan, assess your progress and tailor support to your requirements.

Empower & support
Every clients’ requirements are unique. Additional sessions provide opportunities treat the underlying health issues that are driving your hair loss, build on progress made and address concerns that may arise. Secure messaging support is available

Ongoing support
Ongoing support looks very different for each individual. I provide as much information and support as I can to empower you to take charge of your health. Everything I do is tailored to your needs.